Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
idc offers a full suite of services to shippers in Dallas/Fort Worth, helping customers store and move goods from both the inbound rail yards and DFW International Airport.
We utilize a quality network of trucking companies to perform intermodal container moves and airport sweeps, transporting goods to our warehouse, which is within 50 miles of the rail yards and airports.
Dallas/Fort Worth is unique in terms of its import and export mix; the location is among the top cities for both inbound and outbound freight. idc helps customers with both processes. Our warehousing and packing solutions are ideal for companies bringing goods into the city, but also for those looking to move goods out of the country. And because of our vast relationships, we can leverage the same equipment for importing and exporting. Street turns on containers and cross-docking capabilities enable us to perform import and export packing simultaneously, adding efficiency and cost savings for each of our customers, regardless of whether the circuits, electronics or machine parts are shipped into or out of the US.
idc meets these shipper needs with 350k sq feet of warehousing space and 55 loading docks.